Friday, October 4, 2013
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Art History
Friday, May 10
Period 5 and 6
Please turn on the projector and computer.
Distribute Painting Analysis Worksheet
Students are to view lesson on Kahn Academy and complete Painting Analysis Worksheet for both paintings. Please allow students approximately 15 minutes to view and respond to each painting.
If students finish early allow them to view CNN student News
Click on the link s below
Delacroix's Liberty Leading the People
Goya The Third of May
CNN Student News
Period 4
follow the link below
Period 5 and 6
Please turn on the projector and computer.
Distribute Painting Analysis Worksheet
Students are to view lesson on Kahn Academy and complete Painting Analysis Worksheet for both paintings. Please allow students approximately 15 minutes to view and respond to each painting.
If students finish early allow them to view CNN student News
Click on the link s below
Delacroix's Liberty Leading the People
Goya The Third of May
CNN Student News
Period 4
follow the link below
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Quiz on Thursday, on Nationalism and Nation States
Thank Soomin and Christina for the infomration on Germany
1862 - Otto von Bismarck became chancellor of Prussia.
One of Bismarck’s first acts was to start a program of modernization for army. He collected taxes to pay for the program even though parliament refused to allow the taxes. His main goal was to gain power for his king.
1864 - Danish War
Bismarck formed alliance between Prussia and Austria. They fought over Schleswig and Holstein. Prussia and Austria won the victory. That helped to earn new respect from other Germans. It also gave support for Prussia as head of a unified Germany.
1866 - Seven Week’s War
Austria declared war on Prussia. The Prussians used their excellent training and supplies to win a victory. After Prussia won, they gained control of northern Germany.
1867 - Prussia formed the North German Federation.
Bismarck wrote the constitution so that the Prussian king could lead the confederation which resulted in no threat of democracy.
1870 - Franco-Prussian War
France declared war on Prussia. Bismarck felt that a war with France would rally the south. This war was the final stage in German unification. After Prussia had won, the nationalistic fever seized people in southern Germany. They finally accepted Prussian leadership.
1871 - King Wilhelm I of Prussia was crowned kaiser.
King Wilhelm I was dignified at the captured French palace of Versailles. Germans called their empire the Second Reich.
Check out this site if you did not do your vocabulary or want to study it further.
Post your questions by 9:00 pm I will check the blog and answer any questions you have shortly after.
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Haitian Revolution Part II and History of French Revolutions
Students should identify important individuals, groups, and events that played a role in the Haitian revolution.
What role did Nationalism play in this revolution?
First view the conclusion of Haiti Follow the link below.
Then view a short history of 19th century France. Follow the link below.
Identify the three distinct changes in government, the shift in political thought after each and the role of important individuals in these shifts.
***If you are interested in taking AP US History I as a sophmore next year, meet in room 104 immediately after school today.***
What role did Nationalism play in this revolution?
First view the conclusion of Haiti Follow the link below.
Then view a short history of 19th century France. Follow the link below.
Identify the three distinct changes in government, the shift in political thought after each and the role of important individuals in these shifts.
***If you are interested in taking AP US History I as a sophmore next year, meet in room 104 immediately after school today.***
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Revolution in Haiti part I
Students should identify important individuals, groups, and events that played a role in the Haitian revolution.
What role did Nationalism play in this revolution?
***AP US HISTORY I meeting in room 104, immediately after 9th period on Thursday, May 2***
What role did Nationalism play in this revolution?
***AP US HISTORY I meeting in room 104, immediately after 9th period on Thursday, May 2***
Friday, April 26, 2013
Turn it in
Submit your project as a word document to
PowerPoint presentations cannot be submitted. You will need to copy the text from the ppt into a word document and then upload the word doc.
You will need to follow the directions on the link below
Make sure you select Student
The Class ID and pasword is below
Period 4 Class ID = 6401763
Period 5 Class ID = 6401774
Period 6 Class ID = 6401779
The password for each Class ID is pinto
Once your project is completed upload it through the account you selected under annotated bibliography
PowerPoint presentations cannot be submitted. You will need to copy the text from the ppt into a word document and then upload the word doc.
You will need to follow the directions on the link below
Make sure you select Student
The Class ID and pasword is below
Period 4 Class ID = 6401763
Period 5 Class ID = 6401774
Period 6 Class ID = 6401779
The password for each Class ID is pinto
Once your project is completed upload it through the account you selected under annotated bibliography
Thursday, April 25, 2013
More Links for Nationalism
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Nationalist Revolutions Sweep the West
The Link below is an online text book that we will be using for this Area of Study
When we complete this unit, you should be able to...
Identify the results (multiple) of the 1820,1830, and 1848 revolutions.
Identify multiple schools of political thought that developed during the first half of the 18th century.
Describe the activities of Bolivar, San Martin, Native Americans, and mestizos in liberation events.
Trace the development of Nationalism in Europe and how nationalism weakened empires. (The Balkans, Italy, Germany...)
Analyze how artistic and intellectual movements reflected and fueled changes in Europe during the 1800s
Here is a great Link for a review of the material we are learning... Flash Cards, practice quizzes, review games.
The Link below will assist you in the activity we are working on in class
Decline of Austria, Growth of Italy and Germany
When we complete this unit, you should be able to...
Identify the results (multiple) of the 1820,1830, and 1848 revolutions.
Identify multiple schools of political thought that developed during the first half of the 18th century.
Describe the activities of Bolivar, San Martin, Native Americans, and mestizos in liberation events.
Trace the development of Nationalism in Europe and how nationalism weakened empires. (The Balkans, Italy, Germany...)
Analyze how artistic and intellectual movements reflected and fueled changes in Europe during the 1800s
Here is a great Link for a review of the material we are learning... Flash Cards, practice quizzes, review games.
The Link below will assist you in the activity we are working on in class
Decline of Austria, Growth of Italy and Germany
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Monday, April 15, 2013
Europe in 1815
This is an accurte map of Europe shortly after the Congress of Vienna. It allows you to zoom in for additional detail and provides additional information.
This is an accurte map of Europe shortly after the Congress of Vienna. It allows you to zoom in for additional detail and provides additional information.
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
End of the Line
Period 4, 5, 6
“Is Napoleon a Hero or a Tyrant?”
Click on link located on desktop for Napoleon 4 of 4 on PBS.
Students should take notes while viewing video.
For homework, using notes from video, Students will write an
organized paragraph citing the events that led to Napoleons demise. Remember
are Napoleon’s actions heroic or tyrannical.
Notes and paragraph will be collected on Friday
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Hero or Tyrant
Period 4
Read 663-667
on page 667 complete 3,4,5,7, 9
on page 666 complete 1 and 2
Period 4,5 and 6
Read pages 668-671
complete 3,4,5,6,7
Place the following concepts from the readings in the back of your notebooks
coup d'etat
Napoleonic Code
Continental System
scorched earthpolicy
Hundred Days
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Practice test
Copy this into a word document and practice this. It will help you with your quiz tomorrow.
Phase I
financial crisis, brought on in part by excessive spending and huge gambling
losses by ____________, resulted in forcing ____________to call the ____________into
session for the first time in 175 years.
The delegates of the ____________, who represented 98 percent of the
French population, felt they should have as much say in the decision-making
process as the ____________and the ____________combined. A member of the Third Estate, recommended
that its delegates should name themselves the ____________and pass laws and
make reforms in the name of the French people.
When Third Estate delegates were forced to find a new meeting place,
they made a pledge, called the ____________ to continue their meeting until
they had drawn up a new constitution.
The noblemen of the ____________and the clergy of the ____________were
forced by the king to join the National Assembly. Expecting trouble, ____________ called up
mercenary troops. This action caused the citizens of Paris to find weapons in
the ____________. As rebellion spread throughout France, a widespread emotional
reaction called the ____________swept the countryside.
Phase II
The most
conservative members of the Legislative Assembly were known as ________________
and supported restoring the monarchy. A moderate group, known as ________________
installed a constitutional monarchy until the ________________ and the French
army opened fire on citizens of Paris. Shortly after a radical group known as
the ________________ gained power in the assembly. After executing the king and queen by means of
the ________________ many nobles elected to flee the country. These Nobles,
known as ________________ ,encouraged the foreign powers of Europe to interfere
and save France. The execution of the King and Queen marked the beginning
of ________________. ________________ claimed it was possible to
build a "republic of virtue" by means of what came to be known as the
Reign of Terror. Within a year, however,
________________ a radical revolutionary was fatally stabbed by another
revolutionary. ________________ was
also beheaded. Out of fear of their lives the surviving ________________ turned
on ________________.This occurred in July of 1794 and the event was known as
the ________________.
What event or events signified the end of absolute monarchy and the beginning of representative government? Explain your answer.
Why do you think the Reign of Terror occurred and went on as
long as it did?
Refresh yourself with your exit questions from this week.
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
French Revolution Part 3: Reign of Terror
Click on the link below:
Concepts that you should familiarize yourself with:
Declaration of Pillnitz
Brunswick Manifesto
Levee en Masse
Thermidorian Reaction
Maximillian Robispierre
Respond to the following:
Why were the Jacobins upset with the Constitution of 1791?
Why would the French Assembly declare war on Austria?
Why do the Jacobins imprison Louis XVI?
What happens to Louis XVI in January of 1793?
What is the Committee of Public Safety? Who is its leader?
Concepts that you should familiarize yourself with:
Declaration of Pillnitz
Brunswick Manifesto
Levee en Masse
Thermidorian Reaction
Maximillian Robispierre
Respond to the following:
Why were the Jacobins upset with the Constitution of 1791?
Why would the French Assembly declare war on Austria?
Why do the Jacobins imprison Louis XVI?
What happens to Louis XVI in January of 1793?
What is the Committee of Public Safety? Who is its leader?
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
The National Assembly and Jacobins: Day 2
After you click on this link and view The French Revolution Part 2, respond to the following concepts...
Place in your notebook. We will review in class tomorrow.
1. Why did peasant women march on Versaille? What did they demand of the King and Queen?
2. Who are the Emigres? Why do they elect to choose this option.
3. What option did the King and Queen choose when they felt France could not be saved. What was the outcome?
4. Who were the Jacobins? What did they advocate?
5. What does Abdication of the Throne mean?
6. What was the Champ de Mars? How did this event play to the Jacobin's interests?
7. How did Prussia and Austria feel about the French Revolution? What did they pledge to do? Based on what we have examined earlier why might this be confusing?
You need to think about this question:
Do you see any similiarities and/or differences between the political factions in the legislative Assembly and those in the U.S. Government today? Cite Examples.
After you click on this link and view The French Revolution Part 2, respond to the following concepts...
Place in your notebook. We will review in class tomorrow.
1. Why did peasant women march on Versaille? What did they demand of the King and Queen?
2. Who are the Emigres? Why do they elect to choose this option.
3. What option did the King and Queen choose when they felt France could not be saved. What was the outcome?
4. Who were the Jacobins? What did they advocate?
5. What does Abdication of the Throne mean?
6. What was the Champ de Mars? How did this event play to the Jacobin's interests?
7. How did Prussia and Austria feel about the French Revolution? What did they pledge to do? Based on what we have examined earlier why might this be confusing?
You need to think about this question:
Do you see any similiarities and/or differences between the political factions in the legislative Assembly and those in the U.S. Government today? Cite Examples.
Monday, March 4, 2013
French Revolution Part 1
Select the following Link and view the lesson
Record the following in your notes:
Why is the French Revolution different than the American Revolution?
Identify two problems France was facing in 1789?
Why was France in so much financial trouble during the late 1780's?
Who compromised the three estates? What are some problems with this system?
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Possible Questions for Extended Response
How did the ideas of Locke, Montesquieu, Rousseau,
Voltaire, and Beccaria influence the U.S. Constitution? Cite specific examples
within the document.
Why do you think Catherine the Great was attracted
to the ideas of the philosophes? Why do you think she eventually acted against
these ideas?
What were some of the most important effects of
the Enlightenment?
What influence did the ideas of John Locke have on
the Declaration of Independence? Support your answer with specific details from
the document. (click on the link below)
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Enlightened Despots
Complete Reading On Forms of Government
Respond to three questions.
Test on Friday on Enlightenment
Respond to three questions.
Test on Friday on Enlightenment
Monday, February 25, 2013
The Social Contract
Complete the reading on Rousseau: Social Contract:
Respond to the three questions.
There will be a Test on the Enlightenment on Friday
Monday, February 11, 2013
Constitutional Monarchy
Our focus has shifted from absolute monarchies to the development of a constitutional monarchy in England.
Country Monarch Policy
On Tuesday and Wednesday we will meet in the lab where we will assess our knowledge of Absolute Monarchs.
EX: A monarch is greatly helped by an able chief advisor
France Louis XIV Jean Baptist Colbert Appointed Finance Minister
France Louis XIV Sebastion Vauban Advised King in War and Fortifications
Click on Link to begin
Click on Link to begin
On Thursday we will return to the classroom where we will wrap up Constitutional Monarchy.
For Thursday, complete the Flow Chart, Questions 1-3 to turn in, and the Vocabulary from our Absolute Monarch Informational Text.
Good Luck
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Cortez the Killer
Check out the video on the Spanish Empire
To listen to the song about Cortez the Killer, click on this link
Tenochtitlan |
Aztec Rituals at the Temple of the Sun |
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Trace the Route of Two Explorers
Thursday, January 10, 2013
View the following video on 15th century Mariners
Why did China have Zheng He sail the treasure fleets?
Why did his trips end?
Why did Portugal become involved in the search for spices?
What role did Henry the Navigator play in Navigation?
What was Vasco Da Gama looking for when he reached India?
What was the Line of Demarcation? Who was responsible for this and who were the recipient?
What myths wre dispelled about Columbus?
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