Thursday, May 9, 2013

Art History

Friday, May 10

Period 5 and 6

Please turn on the projector and computer.

Distribute Painting Analysis Worksheet

Students are to view lesson on Kahn Academy and complete Painting Analysis Worksheet for both paintings. Please allow students approximately 15 minutes to view and respond to each painting.

If students finish early allow them to view CNN student News

Click on the link s below

Delacroix's Liberty Leading the People

Goya The Third of May

CNN Student News

Period 4
follow the link below

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Quiz on Thursday, on Nationalism and Nation States

Thank Soomin and Christina for the infomration on Germany

1862 - Otto von Bismarck became chancellor of Prussia.

One of Bismarck’s first acts was to start a program of modernization for army. He collected taxes to pay for the program even though parliament refused to allow the taxes. His main goal was to gain power for his king.

1864 - Danish War

Bismarck formed alliance between Prussia and Austria. They fought over Schleswig and Holstein. Prussia and Austria won the victory. That helped to earn new respect from other Germans. It also gave support for Prussia as head of a unified Germany.

1866 - Seven Week’s War

Austria declared war on Prussia. The Prussians used their excellent training and supplies to win a victory. After Prussia won, they gained control of northern Germany.

1867 - Prussia formed the North German Federation.

Bismarck wrote the constitution so that the Prussian king could lead the confederation which resulted in no threat of democracy.

1870 - Franco-Prussian War
France declared war on Prussia. Bismarck felt that a war with France would rally the south. This war was the final stage in German unification. After Prussia had won, the nationalistic fever seized people in southern Germany. They finally accepted Prussian leadership.

1871 - King Wilhelm I of Prussia was crowned kaiser.

King Wilhelm I was dignified at the captured French palace of Versailles. Germans called their empire the Second Reich.

Check out this site if you did not do your vocabulary or want to study it further.

Post your questions by 9:00 pm I will check the blog and answer any questions you have shortly after.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Haitian Revolution Part II and History of French Revolutions

Students should identify important individuals, groups, and events that played a role in the Haitian revolution.

What role did Nationalism play in this revolution?

First view the conclusion of Haiti Follow the link below.

Then view a short history of 19th century France. Follow the link below.

Identify the three distinct changes in government, the shift in political thought after each and the role of important individuals in these shifts.

***If you are interested in taking AP US History I as a sophmore next year, meet in room 104 immediately after school today.***

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Revolution in Haiti part I

Students should identify important individuals, groups, and events that played a role in the Haitian revolution.

What role did Nationalism play in this revolution?

***AP US HISTORY I meeting in room 104, immediately after 9th period on Thursday, May 2***