Thursday, March 28, 2013

Hero or Tyrant

File:Napoleon4.jpgIs Napoleaon a Heroe or Tyrant. Could he be both? Over the next week you will develop an answer to the proposed question and support your belief with histrorical evidance.

Period 4

Read 663-667

on page 667 complete 3,4,5,7, 9

on page 666 complete 1 and 2

Period 4,5 and 6

Read pages 668-671

complete 3,4,5,6,7

Place the following concepts from the readings in the back of your notebooks

coup d'etat
Napoleonic Code
Continental System
scorched earthpolicy
Hundred Days
Map of Europe in 1812, showing the almost complete control of the continent enjoyed by Napoleon.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Practice test

Copy this into a word document and practice this. It will help you with your quiz tomorrow.

Phase I
A financial crisis, brought on in part by excessive spending and huge gambling losses by ____________, resulted in forcing ____________to call the ____________into session for the first time in 175 years.   The delegates of the ____________, who represented 98 percent of the French population, felt they should have as much say in the decision-making process as the ____________and the ____________combined.  A member of the Third Estate, recommended that its delegates should name themselves the ____________and pass laws and make reforms in the name of the French people.  When Third Estate delegates were forced to find a new meeting place, they made a pledge, called the ____________ to continue their meeting until they had drawn up a new constitution.  The noblemen of the ____________and the clergy of the ____________were forced by the king to join the National Assembly.  Expecting trouble, ____________ called up mercenary troops. This action caused the citizens of Paris to find weapons in the ____________. As rebellion spread throughout France, a widespread emotional reaction called the ____________swept the countryside. 

Phase II
The most conservative members of the Legislative Assembly were known as ________________ and supported restoring the monarchy. A moderate group, known as ________________ installed a constitutional monarchy until the ________________ and the French army opened fire on citizens of Paris. Shortly after a radical group known as the ________________ gained power in the assembly.  After executing the king and queen by means of the ________________ many nobles elected to flee the country. These Nobles, known as ________________ ,encouraged the foreign powers of Europe to interfere and save France. The execution of the King and Queen marked the beginning of  ________________.  ________________ claimed it was possible to build a "republic of virtue" by means of what came to be known as the Reign of Terror.  Within a year, however, ________________ a radical revolutionary was fatally stabbed by another revolutionary.   ________________ was also beheaded. Out of fear of their lives the surviving ________________ turned on ________________.This occurred in July of 1794 and the event was known as the ________________.

What event or events signified the end of absolute monarchy and the beginning of representative government? Explain your answer.

Why do you think the Reign of Terror occurred and went on as long as it did? 
Refresh yourself with your exit questions from this week.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

French Revolution Part 3: Reign of Terror

Click on the link below:

Concepts that you should familiarize yourself with:


Declaration of Pillnitz

Brunswick Manifesto

Levee en Masse

Thermidorian Reaction

Maximillian Robispierre

Respond to the following:

Why were the Jacobins upset with the Constitution of 1791?

Why would the French Assembly declare war on Austria?

Why do the Jacobins imprison Louis XVI?

What happens to Louis XVI in January of 1793?

What is the Committee of Public Safety? Who is its leader?

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The National Assembly and Jacobins: Day 2

After you click on this link and view The French Revolution Part 2, respond to the following concepts...

Place in your notebook. We will review in class tomorrow.

1. Why did peasant women march on Versaille? What did they demand of the King and Queen?

2. Who are the Emigres? Why do they elect to choose this option.

3. What option did the King and Queen choose when they felt France could not be saved. What was the outcome?

4. Who were the Jacobins? What did they advocate?

5. What does Abdication of the Throne mean?   

6. What was the Champ de Mars? How did this event play to the Jacobin's interests?

7. How did Prussia and Austria feel about the French Revolution? What did they pledge to do? Based on what we have examined earlier why might this be confusing?

You need to think about this question:
Do you see any similiarities and/or differences between the political factions in the legislative Assembly and those in the U.S. Government today? Cite Examples.

Monday, March 4, 2013

French Revolution Part 1

Select the following Link and view the lesson

Record the following in your notes:

Why is the French Revolution different than the American Revolution?

Identify two problems France was facing in 1789?

Why was France in so much financial trouble during the late 1780's?

Who compromised the three estates? What are some problems with this system?