Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Winter Break Assignment

View the PBS Documentary by following this link
Respond to the following questions on Galileo Galilei.

1.     Where and when did he live?
2.    What did he do?
3.    What happened to Galileo?

Galileo made a number of scientific observations during his lifetime. As you watch, have students take notes on his contributions to science. Record what Galileo studied, how he studied it, and any conclusions he drew.

Prepare a visual representation of 3 of Galileo's contributions to science. Provide an image and brief explanation of each.


Grammar and spelling
Exceptional: Free of errors
3 or fewer errors present
Needs improvement:
6 or fewer errors present
Greater than 6 errors present
Image Description
Exceptional function, meaning, and characteristics are identified and developed
function, meaning, and characteristics are somewhat identified and/or development
Needs Improvement:
Not all function, meaning, and characteristics are identified and/or developed
function, meaning, and characteristics are not identified and/or developed
Visually appealing
Needs improvement
Visually unappealing

Submission of Project

Please send your project as a powerpoint presentation 1997-2003 (ppt) to the following address by Sunday December 22, by 10:30. Projects submitted after this point will be marked down as if they are late.

In the Subject line please write your full name.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Renaissance and Reformation Museum project will be due December 23 @ 10:00 pm.

Once the Google Drive is set up, students will import presentations for final grade.

Monday, December 10, 2012

The Reformation Continues

Luther set the ball in motion. Guttenberg's press helped spread the ideas.  John Calvin, Henry VIII, John Knox and others called for further reforms or, in certain instances, severing ties from the Roman Catholic Church.

Try to answer the following riddle

Divorced, Beheaded, Died
Divorced, Beheaded, Survived

If you need help click on the link and watch this clip

Friday, December 7, 2012

December 7, 2012

Map of Protestant Reformation in EuropeReview Reformation Polka and place words in notebook.

Complete Map Activity on Reformation: Remember Maps are Quiz Grades!!!

Use these resources for assitance with the Map Activity:

**Check the map's title to make sure it is a map of the Reformation and not 16th century Europe**

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

December 6, 2012

Check this Song out:

Figure out what the following concepts mean to help you better understand the Reformation

Papal Bull

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

December 4, 2012

Recall your chart on the differences between the Italian Renaissance and Renaissance in Northern Europe. Summarize the major differences between the two events in 4-5 well constructed sentences. Think about the role of patrons, economies and government while developing your response.